Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wishing I Could Love Like Jesus Loved

To Love Like Jesus Loved, Here is What I Need to do:

Accept Others, Just as Jesus Accepted Me.....
"Does this mean EVERYONE??"..... "What about that person talking negative about me, or constantly putting me down?"...."What about the neighbor, who constantly parks where they shouldn't and you know is just up to no good"....

Romans 15:7 Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory

There are a few people in my life that I need to learn to accept. I need to realize that not everyone will think, look, or act like I do. I need to know that I do not have to like what they do, but I should love them and accept them just as Jesus would.

Whats that saying "Keep your side of the street clean"
In this case, I should love others - if I show love to others I will receive love back.

If I can show someone around me 1 random act of love a day, this could become a regular occurrence for me. My goal is to reach out in love to one person a day to help spread the same love Jesus has for me.

Click here to listen to one of my favorite songs that goes in line with this post. I recommend listening to every lyric closely, this song has touched my heart since the first time I heard it and often brings tears to my eyes

1 comment:

  1. I love you! So Proud of You!!!

    It is hard sometimes to remember to love someone...Especially when they are mean to you.
